Appendix I
A Comparison Between the
Old and New Covenants
1) OC:NC:A spiritual covenant based on spiritual
promises and eternal life. John 3:16;
Heb. 8:6; 9:15; Rom. 8; Luke 18:29-30 -
NC:Circumcision is of the heart through
baptism. Acts 2:38; 3:19; Rom. 2:25-29;
Phil. 3:3; Jer. 4:4; Col. 2:11-13 -
3) OC:Holy Spirit generally not available;
obedience was to the letter of the Law.
Rom. 7:6; Heb. 8:7-9; Matt. 5:21-45NC:Believers have the gift of the Holy Spirit
and obey in the spirit of the Law. Rom.
7:6; Heb. 8:10-12; 10:16; Matt. 5:21-48;
6:1-34; Acts 2:38; Rom. 8:9-10; Gal. 2:20 -
4) OC:Worship at the earthly tabernacle through
human priest/mediator. Heb. 9:13;
Gal. 3:12; Lev. 18:5; II Cor. 3:16NC:Directly worship God the Father in
heaven through Christ. John 4:23-24;
16:23-27; Heb. 6:20; 10:23; Rom. 8:9-39;
Eph. 2:18-22; II Cor. 3:6 -
5) OC:Had animal sacrifices, offerings and ritual
works of the law. Lev. 1-7NC:Have the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, fruits
of the Holy Spirit, prayer and good works.
Heb. 9:10; Heb. 10:12; Gal. 5:22-24;
Eph. 2:10; Rom. 12:1-2; Rev. 8:3-5;
Heb. 13:15; Matt. 19:17; Mark 15:15-18 -
6) OC:Transgression of the Law required physical
atonement for certain sins, death penalty
for others. Heb. 9:7-10; II Cor. 3 -
7) OC:Had physical ordinances of divine service
and an earthly sanctuary. Heb. 9:1-5NC: -
8) OC:NC:Heavenly tabernacle consecrated with the
blood of Jesus Christ. Luke 22:19-22;
I Cor. 11:23-32; Heb. 9:14-28; 10:5-14 -
9) OC:NC:
10) OC:Priests offered animal sacrifices for
physical justification and purifying of the
flesh; high priest went into Holy of Holies
once a year. Heb. 5:1-3; 9:1-13NC:Christ offered Himself once as the sacrifice
for sin; spiritual justification is now
possible for all. Heb. 7:25-27; 9:23-28;
Acts 11:18; Gal. 2:20; Rom. 3:24-25 -
11) OC:NC:Direct access to the Father through Christ.
Matt. 27:51; Heb. 4:14-16; 7:25-27;
John 16; Gal. 4:6-7; Rom. 8:15; Eph. 2:18 -
NC:Sin is spiritually forgiven; the conscience
is purged through the Holy Spirit.
Heb. 10:14-17; II Cor. 3:9</>; Col. 1:27;
Phil. 2:5; 3:9-17; Matt. 5:48; Eph. 4 -
13) OC:Sacrifices and oblations ceased to be
effective at the time the new spiritual
order was established by Christ. Heb. 9:9-10NC:Christ’s supreme sacrifice applies to all
who accept it (from time of Adam to the
end of humanity). Heb. 10:10-14 -
14) OC:NC:The New Covenant was established after
Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension.
Heb. 8:13; Matt. 27:51

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